
Teaching Experience

Associate Lecturer 2022 –2024, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK

Tutor 2022 - 2023, University of Cambridge, UK

Specialist Academic Mentor, 2023 - 2024, University of Cambridge, CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge

Dissertation supervisor 2023 Anglia Ruskin University, CAMBRIDGE, UK

Research Experience 

CO-Principle Investigator, 2024, ERICC Syria, Osman Consultancy, UK

The Education Research in Conflict and Protracted Crisis (ERICC) project is a £15.8 million research program to carry out rigorous and operationally relevant research on the most effective approaches to education delivery in conflict and protracted crisis contexts. My duties as the Co-PI for the Syria Research Project include:

Consultant & Lead Researcher, 2023, Centre for Operational Analysis and Research., UK

Researcher, 2022 –2023, University of Cambridge, DEFI Innovation Lab, UK

Consultant, 2022, PeaceJam, London, UK

Peer Reviewer 

Project Management Experience 

Program Manager, Displaced Scholars Mentoring Program, 2023, Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, UNSW, Sydney

The program aims to provide academic and professional support to early-career scholars who have experienced displacement and are studying or researching refugee and forced migration studies. The program has three elements: mentoring, learning, and group discussions/reflections. The programme is divided into six sections/topics: Setting research/academic goals, writing skills, productivity, methodologies, publishing, and careers in academia. My duties included:

Co-founder & Programmes Manager, 2017 -2021, The Syrian Association for Education Development, UK

Project Officer, 2016- 2017, Oxfam, UK

Community Service

Co-Chair, 2021 - 2022, Cambridge Peace and Education Research Group (CPERG), CAMBRIDGE, UK

Co-Chair, 2022 -2023, The Rowan Williams Cambridge Scholarship, CAMBRIDGE, UK

Member of the steering committee, 2018- 2020, The University of Sanctuary, UK
