Syria Education Archive

This section covers key work, resources and databases on education in Syria 

Recommended reading on HE in Syria

Tozan, O. (2023a). The evolution of the Syrian higher education sector 1918-2022: From a tool of independence to a tool of war. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 0(0), 1–15.

Tozan, O. (2023b). The impact of the Syrian conflict on the higher education sector in Syria: A systematic review of literature. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 4, 100221.

Tozan, O. (2024). Peeling the multiple layers of inequalities in free higher education policies. Policy Reviews in Higher Education, 0(0), 1–22.

Abdullah, A., Ahmad, W., Alabdullah, S. A., Chikhou, R., & Mamo, A. R. (2020). Supporting peacebuilding in Syria through universities: The role of cultural heritage. Education and Conflict Review, 3, 60–66.

Abdullateef, S., Almashhour, E., Alabboud, A., Saleh, B. M., Albayoush, A., Assaf, M., & Adam-Bradford, A. (2020). Agricultural knowledge from academy to farming communities: The role of higher education in enhancing food security in Syria. Education and Conflict Review, 3, 67–76.

Abedtalas, M., Alawak, A., Aldien Aloklah, W., Aljasem, A., & Sarmini, I. (2020). Syrian higher education and social capital in times of conflict. Education and Conflict Review, 3, 9–15.

Akkad, A., & Henderson, E. F. (2021). Exploring the role of HE teachers as change agents in the reconstruction of post-conflict Syria. Teaching in Higher Education, 1–18.

Al Azmeh, Z., Dillabough, J., Fimyar, O., McLaughlin, C., Abdullateef, S., Aloklah, W. A., Mamo, A. R., Abdulhafiz, A. H., Al Abdullah, S., Al Husien, Y., Al Mohamad Al Ibrahim, A., Al Ibrahim, Z., Barmu, T., Farzat, A., & Kadan, B. (2020). Cultural trauma and the politics of access to higher education in Syria. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. Scopus.

Al Malih Hilwani, F. (2013). Academic Freedom and Higher Education in Syria: History, Reality, Horizons [الحرية األكاديمية والتعليم العالي في سورية تاريخ—مقومات—واقع—آفاق]. Damascus University, 29(3).

Al Samer, A. (2018). The Syrian University: The First public University in the Arabic World [الجامعة السورية ‘جامعة دمشق’—أول جامعة حكومية في العالم العربي]. In The story of 10 public Arabic Universities (pp. 67–99). Arabic Center for Research & Policy Studies.

Al-Abdullah, F. (2010). The Reality of the None-Formal Higher Education in Syria from the Perspectives of Students [واقع التعليم العالي غير النظامي في سورية من وجهة نظر الدارسين فيه ]. Damascus University, 26(3).

Aljasem, A. (2021). An episode of the revolution: Aleppo university protest movement 2011–2013. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 1–17.

Alkol, M. K. (2024). Impact of armed conflicts on higher education Northwestern Syria context. In Rebuilding Higher Education Systems Impacted by Crises: Navigating Traumatic Events, Disasters, and More (pp. 285–295). Scopus.

Ashoush, A., & Khadra, S. (2019). The Impact of the Conflict on the Higher Education Sector in Syria: A Case Study of Tishreen University. Tishreen University Journal - Economic and Legal Science, 41(2), 75–92.

Assaf, M., Lakmes, A., Alobaidy, M. G., Shabou, F., Ahmad, W., Alhasan, M., Trayek, F., & De Vries, L. A. (2022). Evaluating the effectiveness of student-record systems in conflict-affected universities in northwest Syria relative to student transition and mobility. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 3. Scopus.

Ayoubi, R. M., & Massoud, H. K. (2011). Questioning the role of internationalization in the nationalization of higher education: The impact of the EU TEMPUS Programme on higher education in Syria. European Journal of Higher Education, 1(4), 352–368.

Bashshur, M. A. (1966). Higher Education and Political Development in Syria and Lebanon. Comparative Education Review, 10(3), 451–461.

Buckner, E. (2013). The seeds of discontent: Examining youth perceptions of higher education in Syria. Comparative Education, 49(4), 440–463.

Buckner, E., & Saba, K. (2010). Syria’s next generation: Youth un/employment, education, and exclusion. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, 3, 86–98.

Cinkara, E. (2024). Navigating higher education in conflict zones: The role of professional capital and community engagement in northern Syria. Journal of Professional Capital and Community. Scopus.

Dillabough, J., Fimyar, O., McLaughlin, C., Al-Azmeh, Z., Abdullateef, S., & Abedtalas, M. (2018). Conflict, insecurity and the political economies of higher education. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 20(3/4), 176–196.

Dillabough, J., Fimyar, O., McLauglin, C., Al-Azmeh, Z., & Jebril, M. (2019a). Syrian Higher Education post 2011: Immediate and Future Challenges. Council for At-Risk Academics (Cara).

Dillabough, J., Fimyar, O., McLauglin, C., Al-Azmeh, Z., & Jebril, M. (2019b). The State of Higher Education in Syria Pre-2011. Council for At-Risk Academics (Cara) and The University of Cambridge.

Elamine, A. (2021). Political governance in higher education: The case of Arab public universities. Contemporary Arab Affairs, 14(2), 97–117. Scopus.

Hajir, B. (2023). Higher Education and Peacebuilding in Syria: Youths’ Voices in a Critical Realist De-Colonial Enquiry.

Hatahet, T., Alkhaledi, A., Tello, A., Jarad, L., Al Shihabi, A., & Campbell, K. (2023). Extracurricular activity based on undergraduates – postgraduates peer learning to promote student’s academic research skills in developing countries higher education: Experiences form Syria. Educational Research and Evaluation, 28(1–3), 42–59.

Hanafi, S. (2011). University systems in the Arab East: Publish globally and perish locally vs publish locally and perish globally. Current Sociology, 59(3), 291–309.

Hardy, D., & Munns, R. (2015). Syrian Higher Education: Responding to a Changing Economy. International Higher Education, 48.

Jozefowicz, A. (n.d.). The Development of higher education in Syria until the year 2000: Syrian Arab Republic - (mission) | Policy Commons. Retrieved 6 September 2024, from

Kabbani, N., & Salloum, S. (2011). Implications of financing higher education for access and equity: The case of Syria. PROSPECTS, 41(1), 97–113.

Khalifa, B., Dukhan, O., & Mouselli, S. (2018). Master degree under crisis: The salient motives of business students to enrol in a postgraduate programme. International Journal of Educational Management, 32(4), 538–549. Scopus.

Millican, J. (2020). The survival of universities in contested territories: Findings from two roundtable discussions on institutions in the North West of Syria. Education and Conflict Review, 3, 38–44.

Milton, S. (2019). Syrian higher education during conflict: Survival, protection, and regime security. International Journal of Educational Development, 64, 38–47.

Nahlawi, Y. (2022). Militia on Campus: Crimes of the National Union of Syrian Students at Damascus University. Syrian British Consortium.

Omaish, H. A., Hosein, A., Abdullah, M. U., & Aldershewi, A. (2021). University lecturer’s perceptions on the causes of students’ mathematical knowledge gaps in conflict zones. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2. Scopus.

Rafeq, A.-K. (2004). The History of the Syrian University 1901-1946 [تاريخ الجامعة العربية السورية ١٩٠١-١٩٤٦]. Nobel Library.

Rafeq, A.-K. (2008). The Syrian University And The French Mandate (1920–1946). In Liberal thought in the Eastern Mediterranean late 19th century until the 1960s (pp. 75–97). Brill.

Ramadan, R. (2016). Syrians’ acceptance of digital lectures: A case study. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 31(1), 9–24.

Ramadan, R. (2017). Unravelling Facebook: A pedagogical tool during the Syrian crisis. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 32(3), 196–213.

Rubin, J., & Bose, L. S. (2023). Dominant or dominating? Imaginaries of higher education in Turkey and Northern Syria. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 21(2), 252–265.

Sankar, S. (2000). The Development of the Higher Education Sector (1970-2000), and Future Directions. Syrian Ministry of Higher Education.

Sawaf, B., Abbas, F., Idris, A., Al Saadi, T., & Ibrahim, N. (2018). Specialty preference and intentions to study abroad of Syrian medical students during the crisis. BMC Medical Education, 18(1). Scopus.

Yousef, L., Ebrahim, O., AlNahr, M. H., Mohsen, F., Ibrahim, N., & Sawaf, B. (2021). War-related trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder prevalence among Syrian university students. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 12(1), 1954774.

Recommended reading on pre-HE in Syria

Achilles, K., Kivela, L., Abu Sneineh, A., & Jouhar, D. (2022). Education Interrupted: Prioritising Early Recovery in the Education Sector in Syria. Save the Children.

ACU. (2022a). Schools in Syria. Assistance Coordination Unit. https://_/imu_reports/schools-in-syria-07-thematic-2022/

ACU. (2022b). Schools Report in Northern Syria Camps [تقرير المدارس في مخيمات الشمال السوري] (5). Assistance Coordination Unit.

Al Hessan, M., Bengtsson, S., & Kohlenberger, J. (2021). Understanding the Syrian Educational System in a Context of Crisis (pp. 1–46).

Al Nemer, M., & Hakawati, S. (2020). Education in the Northern Syria: Afrin, Jarablous, Ezzaz, Al-Bab [التعليم في مناطق الشمال السوري]. Harmoon.التعليم-في-مناطق-الشمال-السوري-نهائي.pdf%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A/

Al Sakbani, N., & Beaujouan, J. (2024). Education in Syria: Hidden victim of the conflict of weapon of war? Journal of Peace Education, 1–21.

Al-Abdullah, F. (2010). The Reality of the None-Formal Higher Education in Syria from the Perspectives of Students [واقع التعليم العالي غير النظامي في سورية من وجهة نظر الدارسين فيه ]. Damascus University, 26(3).

Al-Maaloli, R. (2016). The Ideology of Authority: 50 Years of Education in Syria. The Washington Institute.

Amnesty. (2020). Syria: ‘Nowhere is safe for us’: Unlawful attacks and mass displacement in north-west Syria - Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb.

Arvisais, O., & Guidère, M. (2020). Education in conflict: How Islamic State established its curriculum. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 52(4), 498–515.

Arvisais, O., Guidère, M., Belporo, L. C., Bérubé, M., Chamsine, C., & Mahhou, M. A. (2022). The Ideological Indoctrination through ISIS Textbooks. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. Scopus.

Bengio, O. (2020). Reclaiming National Identity in Kurdish School Textbooks. The Middle East Journal, 74(3), 359–378.

BMC. (2021). Overview of attacks against civilian infrastructure during the Syrian civil war, 2012–2018—Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb.

Boyle Espinosa, E., & Ronan, A. (2023). Rojava’s ‘war of education’: The role of education in building a revolutionary political community in North and East Syria. Third World Quarterly, 44(10), 2281–2299. Scopus.

Buriel, A. (2023). Education under totalitarian regimes: The case of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. PROSPECTS, 53(1), 57–72.

Deslandes-Martineau, M., Charland, P., Lapierre, H. G., Arvisais, O., Chamsine, C., Venkatesh, V., & Guidère, M. (2022). The programming curriculum within ISIS. PLoS ONE, 17(4 April). Scopus.

Elsafti, A. M., Van Berlaer, G., Al Safadi, M., Debacker, M., Buyl, R., Redwan, A., & Hubloue, I. (2016). Children in the Syrian civil war: The familial, educational, and public health impact of ongoing violence. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 10(6), 874–882. Scopus.

Gadais, T., Décarpentrie, L., Touir, G., Al-Khatib, M., Daou, A., Chamsine, C., & Arvisais, O. (2023). Education under ISIS: An analysis of the calligraphy and illustrations of the physical education curriculum. International Journal of Educational Development, 97, 102724.

Hatahet, T., Ekrayem, Z., Badwi, S., Hardan, S., Abdin, A. E., & Alrfooh, O. (2024). Development of a tailored educational strategy in primary schools to cope with volatility of education in internally displaced camps: A case study from Northwest Syria. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 19(3), 575–592.

HRW. (2022). ‘It Was Really Hard to Protect Myself’: Impact of the Armed Conflict in Syria on Children with Disabilities [EN/AR]—Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb.

Int’l Alert. (2016). Why young Syrians choose to fight: Vulnerability and resilience to recruitment by violent extremist groups in Syria - Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb. Int’l Alert.

Lelun, & Syrians for Truth and Justice. (2023). Curricula in Afrin: Between ‘Turkification’ and Restrictions on the Kurdish Language. Lelun and Syrians for Truth and Justice.

Masud, M. (2018). Authoritarian Claims to Legitimacy: Syria’s Education under the Regime of Bashar al-Assad. Mediterranean Studies, 26(1), 80–111.

Mercy Corps. (2015). No one hears us: A window into the lives of Syria’s youth - Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb.

Mercy Corps. (2019). Adolescence Lost: Forced Adulthood and a Fragile Future for Syria’s Next Generation - Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb. Mercy Corps.

Mounzer, W., & Stenhoff, D. M. (2022). Listen to Me: Parents’ Satisfaction with Special Needs Services in Syria – A Descriptive and Exploratory Study. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 31(3), 807–818. Scopus.

NRC. (2020). 24 under 24—Voices of Syria’s Youth—Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb. NRC.

NRC. (2022). ‘How are we expected to survive this?’: The impact of Syria’s economic crisis on families—Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb. NRC.

Orient Policy Center. (2020a). Education in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria: Reality and Challenges. Orient Policy Center.

Orient Policy Center. (2020b). Education needs assessment in North-Eastern Syria (NES). Orient Policy Center.

Qaddour, K., & Husain, S. (2022). Syria’s Education Crisis: A Sustainable Approach After 11 Years of Conflict. MIDDLE EAST INSTITUTE.

Save the Children. (2014). FUTURES UNDER THREAT: The impact of the education crisis on Syria’s children. Save the Children.

Save the Children. (2016). Childhood Under Siege: Living and Dying in Besieged Areas of Syria - Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb. Save the Children.

Save the Children. (2017). Invisible Wounds: The impact of six years of war on the mental health of Syria’s children - Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb. Save the Children.

Save the Children. (2019). A better tomorrow: Syria’s children have their say - Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb. Save the Children.

Save the Children. (2021a). Anywhere But Syria: How 10 Years of Conflict Left Syria’s Displaced Children Without a Sense of Home - Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb. Save the Children.

Save the Children. (2021b). Learning in the Shadow of a Conflict: Barriers to education in Syria. Save the Children.

Save the Children. (2022). “I Used to Love School”: The gendered impacts of attacks on education in Syria. Save the Children.

Selvik, K., & Groves, T. (2023). ‘The generation that will inherit Syria’: Education as citizen aid and political opportunity. Third World Quarterly, 44(5), 930–945. Scopus.

Sharifian, M. S., Dornblaser, L., & Silva, S. Y. V. (2021). Education During the Active War: Exploring Teachers’ Perceptions and Practice in Syria. Journal of Education in Muslim Societies, 3(1), 50–67.

Sharifian, M. S., Hoot, J. L., Shibly, O., & Reyhanian, A. (2023). Trauma, Burnout, and Resilience of Syrian Primary Teachers Working in a War Zone. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 37(1), 115–135.

SNHR. (2017). 1373 Incidents of Attack on Vital Civil Facilities in 2016—Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb. SNHR.

SNHR. (2024). Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in February 2024 [EN/AR]—Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb.

STEC. (n.d.). Schools under Attack in Syria: A monitoring report on the impact of attacks on Syrian schools by the Southern Turkey Education Cluster (Syria response). Southern Turkey Education Cluster. Retrieved 17 January 2024, from

Syria Relief. (2022a). Displaced Syrians are sacrificing food and medicine to survive winter—Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb.

Syria Relief. (2022b). The Children Failed By The World: The impact of reduced donations and aid budget cuts on the 100,000+ Syrian children forced out of full-time education - Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb.

Syrian Center for Policy Research, & British Council. (2022). Hope Under Siege: Voices of Adolescents on education and ICT during the Syrian Conflict. Syrian Center for Policy Research and British Council-Syria.

Syrians for Truth and Justice. (2018). AANES closes a number of Aramaic and Assyria private schools in North East Syria [الإدارة الذاتية تغلق العديد من المدرسة الخاصة ‘السريانية والأرمنية’ شمال شرقي سوريا ]. Syrians for Truth and Justice.

Syrians for Truth and Justice. (2021). Northeastern Syria: Group of Teachers, One Activist Arbitrarily Detained by the Autonomous Administration. Syrians for Truth and Justice.

UNICEF. (2015a). Syria Education Sector Analysis (2010-2015). UNICEF.

UNICEF. (2015b). Syria education sector Analysis: The effects of the crisis on education in areas controlled by the government of Syria, 2010-2015 [EN/AR] - Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb.

UNICEF. (2016). No Place for Children—The Impact of Five Years of War on Syria’s Children and their Childhoods [EN/AR]—Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb. UNICEF.

UNICEF. (2020). Improving Equity and Learning: Strengthening Educational Pathways for Syrian Children. UNICEF.

UNICEF. (2021). Whole of Syria Humanitarian Situation Report. UNICEF.

UNICEF. (2022a). Every Day Counts: An outlook on education for the most vulnerable children in Syria. UNICEF.

UNICEF. (2022b). Fast facts: Children and the Syria regional crisis - 11 years on | No Lost Generation. UNICEF.

Whole of Syria. (2018). Whole of Syria: Attacks on education in Syria | No Lost Generation. Whole of Syria.

World Vision. (2016). The Cost of Conflict for Children—Five years of the Syria crisis, March 2016—Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb. World Vision.

World Vision. (2018). Beyond Survival: Seven years of war on Syria’s children - Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb. World Vision.

World Vision. (2021). Too High a Price to Pay: The Cost of Conflict for Syria’s children - Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb. World Vision.

Recommended sources for keeping up-to-date with education in Syria

Media Channels 

Grey Reports:

Facebook Pages:

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Ministries' Websites: