Academic Articles
Tozan, O. (2025) ‘Living in a world of ambivalence’: The complexity of home in exile, Journal of Refugee Studies,
Tozan, O. (Accepted in a Special Issue, forthcoming) Examining the Role of Higher Education in Social Justice and Sustainable Peacebuilding in Post Conflict Contexts. Globalisation, Societies and Education
Tozan, O. & Noureddin, R. (Forthcoming) The Impact of the Syrian Conflict on Pre-University Education in Syria: A Systematic Review of Literature. International Journal of Educational Research.
Tozan, O. (2024) Peeling the multiple layers of inequalities in free higher education policies. Policy Reviews in Higher Education.
Moscovitz, H., Martini, M., Hughson, T., Sanches, J. Hansen, M., & Tozan, O., (2024). In Search of a Global Community: a multivocal critique of UNESCO’s education commons discourse. Journal of Education Policy.
Tozan, O. (2023) The Evolution of the HE Sector in Syria (1918-2022): from a tool of independence to a tool of war. Globalisation, Societies and Education.
Tozan, O. (2023) The Impact of the Syrian Conflict on the Higher Education Sector in Syria: A Systematic Review of Literature. International Journal of Educational Research Open.
(In progress)
Tozan, O. Academic Diaspora and Higher Education Development: Barriers in Fragility and Conflict Settings. Journal of International Migration
Tozan, O and Horst, C. “Will I ever contribute?” The Potential Role of Academic Diaspora in Higher Education Development in their Countries of Origin. The Journal of Development Studies
Tozan, O. How forced migrants navigate and negotiate home-related dilemmas in exile. Journal of Intercultural Studies
Tozan, O. “Our voice counts”: Heuristic Framework for Researching Forced Migration for Researchers with Lived Experience. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
Consultancy Reports
Tozan, O (2024), The Weaponization of Education in Syria. Internal Report for the FCDO. Osman Consultancy.
Tozan, O. (2023) Political Economy Analysis of the Education Sector in Syria. Internal Report for the FCDO. Centre for Operational Analysis and Research.
Casebourne, I., Tozan, O., & Cao, X. (2022) The potential of using games in schools to support students in acquiring 21st-century skills. Internal Report. Digital Education Future Initiative Cambridge.
McInerney, W., Ehrenzeller, C. & Tozan, O. (2022) Peacebuilding capacities for just communities. Internal Report. PeaceJam UK Monitoring & Evaluation Report 2017-2022.
Pautz H., Tozan, O., Bradley, P., Collins C., Sims, R. & Livingstone, J. (2019) On Target for 2030? An independent snapshot review of Scotland’s progress against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. UWS-Oxfam Partnership.
Tozan, O. (forthcoming) The Syrian Education System post-2011: an overview. In the Routledge Handbook on Education in the Middle East and North Africa.
Hosted Blogs and Podcasts
The state of higher education during times of national conflict (2023) The Thesis Podcast
Power and politics: Two dilemmas to building a genuine partnership and hybrid model of peace (2023) Cambridge Peace and Education Research Group.
Transforming Oppressive Structures (2021) Knowledge Power and Politics Cambridge.
Liberal, Local, or Hybrid Peacebuilding: Reflections From a War Zone (2021) Cambridge Peace and Education Research Group